Health & Wellness Ideas for Small Business Owners

Life as a small business owner is exciting and empowering, but sometimes it can also feel exhausting, overwhelming, or downright isolating. We know all too well how easy it can be to get stuck in the weeds of running your business and how your own self care can fall by the wayside. Plus, usually when you’re in that frame of mind, it can be hard to remember the things that help to pull you out – so be sure to save this list for a rainy day when you might need the extra boost!



This probably goes without saying, but my number one piece of advice would be to give yourself permission to REST. Remember that even amidst a full to do list, you are a human first and we are not meant to work like machines. I recently read some advice by @svmv__ on Twitter that said: “If your mental health is starting to affect your physical health, treat yourself like you’re sick. Minimum of 24 hours to yourself. Nap as much as you can. Drink plenty of liquids. Catch up on movies you’ve wanted to watch. The world can wait.”

2. Book a Solo Hotel Stay

Pro tip for resting up: Book a solo hotel stay! This is one of my favorite ways to decompress when I need a bit of an extra boost. I lay in bed all day, watch all the shows and movies I want, stay in my pajamas, order room service, and take lots of naps. It can be an amazing way to show love to yourself when you’re in need of a recharge.

3. Incorporate a gentle yoga practice to your routine

This is something I have been more inconsistent with as of late, but I find that when I am regularly including even a quick, 5 or 7 minute yoga practice during the day, my entire being feels different. My mind is calmer, my body holds less tension, I feel more connected to myself, and I am more grounded throughout the day.

4. Meditate

Meditating helps us get connected with ourselves and stay grounded throughout the day. Apps like Calm and Headspace are fantastic resources offering guided meditations.

5. Set business hours for yourself & stick to them (as much as you can!)

When working a day job, it’s common to hit the 5pm mark and know that you’ll have to pick it back up in the morning. When running a small business, the lines become fuzzier and it can be tricky to set boundaries for yourself around when you need to be “on” and working vs. when you are “off.” One of the most important things I’ve found is that when I can give myself margins of time where I am intentionally NOT working (including not checking emails on my phone or texting clients!), I function so so much more effectively. We need (and deserve!) downtime to just BE.

6. Go for a walk

Even on the busiest of days, most of us can take a quick 20 minute walk around the block. Oftentimes I tell myself that “I don’t have time” or “I just need to keep checking things off my list,” but usually that’s putting me on the fast track to burnout. Alternatively, when I make time for a small little breather or step away for some fresh air and come back, I am usually MORE productive and still can get all the things done – but I feel more balanced mentally and physically, too.

7. Unplug / get away from the screen

8. Spend time in nature

This can be anything from a hike to kayaking on a lake to simply sitting in the backyard or at the park under a tree. Spending time outdoors & breathing in fresh air can be so healing!

9. Drink a lot of water

10. Celebrate your wins

11. Make a gratitude list

12. Journal / brain dump your thoughts

Oftentimes running a business can mean that your mind is going a million miles a minute, ALL the time – And sometimes you just need a break! I’ve found that brain dumping all of those thoughts onto paper allows me to account for them, but set them aside until I can more effectively address them with better clarity.

13. Read a novel or a non-business book

You don’t have to be productive ALL the time! Reading just for fun can be a great way to give your brain a break from business / goals / productivity.

14. Get a massage

15. Go to bed on time

16. Develop morning + evening routines focused on caring for yourself

Skincare, reading, screen time limits, diffusing essential oils, etc.

17. Go to therapy

18. Plant your bare feet in the grass

19. Spend time clearing clutter from your life

This can be in your inbox, removing apps that you no longer use or need, cancelling subscriptions, organizing your closet, or cleaning up anything that feels like it’s weighing on you!

20. Have lunch with a friend

21. Light a favorite candle or diffuse essential oils

22. Take a social media break

23. Eat nutrient-dense foods

24. Reduce anxiety by giving yourself a break from caffeine (or cutting back!)

25. Start a DIY project or do something creative with your hands

I’ve found there is something extra rejuvenating about creating something tangible, especially when I’m working in front of a screen all day. I love to work on projects around my house, paint a canvas, or sit quietly with an adult coloring book!

26. Learn a new skill

Skillshare or other online courses can be a fun way to explore new creative skills or maybe even discover a talent or passion for something you didn’t know you had before.

27. Take a luxurious bubble bath

28. Go to the bookstore and find a fun new magazine

29. Practice saying affirmations

Here is a list of some of our favorite affirmations that we put together to give you some ideas!



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