FREE iPhone Wallpapers

It’s Monday, it’s a new month, and we’re shifting into winter and the holidays! While there is so much to celebrate with the holidays around the corner and the new year coming up in 2 short months, we want to remind you of the biggest reason to celebrate every single day. The fact that you are alive! Among the hustle and bustle of this season, we encourage you to take time to celebrate yourself. Every single day is a special occasion and here are some ways to celebrate:

1. Burn that favorite candle. Don’t wait until you have company coming over or until Christmas Eve. Use it today! Light it and enjoy every second of the flickering flame and the delicious smell wafting through your home.

2. Dress up for yourself. It doesn’t take a date night or brunch with your girlfriends to warrant wearing your favorite pieces from your wardrobe. Take the time to get ready in a way that makes you feel amazing and wear an outfit that makes you feel just how you want to feel!

3. Drink out of a fancy glass. Whether it’s water, tea, kombucha, or diet coke, try putting your favorite everyday bev in a special glass. This is one of my favorite ways to feel celebratory and romanticize my life!


These are just a few ideas to get you in this mindset and thinking this way makes every day feel that much more special. Need a reminder to celebrate every day? We’ve got your back! We’ve designed a new wallpaper to freshen up your phone and remind you that being alive is the special occasion. We have 4 pretty colorways that can be downloaded below – we hope you enjoy!



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